
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Adult Advise

How many things do adults say to kids? What percent of that verbal transitions between adult and kid is advice? What is the most popular advise that is said? Adults tell kids, or parents tell children? It's that "Even if you don't start the fight, that doesn't mean you have to finish it"(by my mom and dad). But, the trouble I have understanding that advise is two things. One, how do you block your natural insects, and walk away from an annoying erg that bites at your lip. When somebody is mistreating you, or annoying you, people usually don't walk away form that. The second thing I find riveting about this piece of advise, is that what percent of the adult population actually doesn't just give advise but uses it as well? I think you'd fined that most of the adult population can't ass there own advise into their own lives, as much as they suspect children to do. The parents I know that have siblings, always say that, but when parents don't start a fight, they always try to finish it. My parents fight all the time, and always say this to my brother and I that even when one of us doesn't start the fight we will both get in trouble for participating. But, my parents can't use there own advise, it's even there jobs. It might not even be there fight, but they do participate in the nonsense, with each others, or outsiders. You can't block nature, but you can try to control it. Most people don't learn that, most adults don't understand it, most adults don't care to learn it. Many adults think since there an adult they have wisdom, but they don't know anything that they knew before. Even when you have a year more to your age, it really is just another day that adds to your number by one. Adults are hypocritical verbal abusers of advise, and narcissistic.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Boarding School

I don't know the thoughts people have in there heads. Especially people my age, everyone is different, and everyone is going through different things. In my life, I just wish I could go to boarding school. Some people want to stay home, they like their home, and their families. But not me. My home is weird, because guess what I don't have a home. I have houses. Not a permanent home, that I can stay in, I move every two days. But who knows, my parents may just get so sick of each other that one might move to California, or Missouri. My brother is unmanageable, who has random mood swings and such a big mamas boy. My family is hell, because were not a family, we never were. Even before the divorce. All we are is a group of people gathered under the same roof with different interests and looks, all we share is a common DNA link in our genes. Other then that all we are is a group of people forced to live together by the law, with uncountable amount of arguments about the quality of the lowest amount. I just wish I could go to a boarding school with no more surprises, and covering my head under the pillows from the yells and screams over homework. Where I had my friends, not my family. Boarding school is a cry of heaven to my ears. Boarding school is a light I wish I could stand under. Boarding school is what I really need. I just hope that it's co-ed.


Above me is just the beginning of a book I'm working on. If anyone tries to copy it, they will be arrested for plagiarising, I do have it copywrited.