
Saturday, September 26, 2009

Second Part Of Series

"Boo," I jump a little but not enough for anybody to see. I turn around and face Ronny and Edgar. There always trying to scare us. But it never works.
"You guys might want to stop trying that your going to get somebody hurt some day." I tell them looking them straight in the face. They start cracking up like , like, like, well I don't know I never seen anybody crack up as hard as this before. Except on my 7'th birthday, my dad told this stupid joke then somebody jumped in and saved my dad's ass. They didn't stop for a week. It was unbelievable. But I think they were just laughing whenever he was around so they didn't hurt his feelings. "Okay okay," I say waving my hand at them meaning that enough was enough.
"How are we going to hurt you by saying the word boo?" Edgar asked still with some hysteria in his voice.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The DREB Series

"Bye mom," I yelled as I was walking out the door with my 40 pounds backpack. Every so often I wish I had some one to give me a ride to school instead of walking every day, with the 40 pound backpack. Because of my dad's job he makes everyone in my family unavailable to give me a ride, I guess I'll just have to wait 3 more years until I get my drivers license.
My name is Brooke I'm 14 years old, and my dad's the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.!!! I'm an only child but sometimes I wish I had an older brother or sister, then I smell the fresh air of reality. For most kids going to school is a drag, but for me it's the freedom of being myself and no one expecting so much from me.
"Brooke over here," I turn to the left to find my best friend Danielle here before me. It's a revolution when that happens usually she's late to class everyday. I start my journey to catch up to her.
"Hey," I say as where waiting outside the doors of school. "How did you get here so early?"
"My older brother got his license this weekend. He's driving me to school now on."
"I still don't get how you woke up. On sleepovers you wake up at two in the afternoon when you where supposed to leave at 9 in the morning."
"I have to wake up on time or I'm going to make Jason late to his classes, since he has to go to the other school."
"So lucky!! I have to walk here with this thing on my back," I say pointing to the boulder on my back. I take it off so she can feel it. Danielle try's and lifts it but then falls to the ground. 
"How did you get that on you back?" She asks me.
"Trust me it wasn't easy we had to get my mom my dad the chefs and the servants just to lift it off the ground. Seriously the real deal." Looking at the face Danielle made. made me crack up it's so funny she's was mouthing OH MY GOD over and over again with her eyebrows creased together.
When Danielle's was all spazzed out she said "We'll maybe my brother could give you ride with us."
"Really that would be great. Thank you."
"Your Welcome."
"Because I'm going to get a hump on my back by the time I graduate." I knew I was blabbering but I couldn't help it she's my best friend she knows I have blabbing issues.