
Saturday, August 20, 2011

What is Giving Up?

What is giving What am I giving up.........everything. Why am I giving up.......because they force me to. They force me to give up my opinion so they didn't have to hear an argument. They force me to give up my right to speech because they were to tired to talk. They forced me to give up my happiness, because they found it to much of a difficulty to live with. I hate my dad, hate him, but when my parents divorced I lived with him for four years. I HATE HIM. I spent four years with him miserably, because everybody says it will be easier on everybody but me. Why did I have to give up the right to be comfortable and happy. Now that I'm doing something for myself, everybody wants me to stand down for themselves, but I'm just sick, sick, sick, sick of it. This is for me no one else, why do they think this has anything to do with them. This is for me, so everyone just shut the fuck-up! Ohhh, and that's not all. I'm treated more like a shield then a person. They throw me in front of everything, like I wont mind. In front of my brothers high hormonal inbalance, in front of my dad's asshole behavior, in front of my mom's decision to ignore me, and most of all they expect me to do all the things they don't want to do. And none, none of them will do anything for me, even after all the shit I do for them, I am forced to do all my activities alone. When do I get a vacation?

Friday, August 12, 2011

King Lear

I must admit not that the play or even good written by William Shakespeare, the artist, the talent, the one-who-we-as-people-writers-and-thinkers-compare-ourselves-to-him. But, why, oh why King Lear? No color, no purpose? An average asshole who we gets old and senile man looks back at his life through the most judging prejudice eyes and sees what an asshole he is. The only difference in King Lear is a few incidents that have no real relation to the king at all are happening around him and his craze striken mind. Daughters of jealousy isn't that like every teenage modern romance books, including the old tale of Cinderella. What's new there?????? Then he had to add another asshole to the play that just stirs up more jealousy between the two sisters. Duh....Duh....Dahhhhhhh!!!!! No foreshadowing necessary when you meet that pricks character. Obvious, No Plot, No Purpose, No Color story of King Lear. If I wanted to see a soul less asshole resent brilliant people, incompedent people, and every one in between I would have taken a video bio of my dads life, past, present, and future, you would find no difference except for the size and type of family the story would be the same.