
Saturday, August 20, 2011

What is Giving Up?

What is giving What am I giving up.........everything. Why am I giving up.......because they force me to. They force me to give up my opinion so they didn't have to hear an argument. They force me to give up my right to speech because they were to tired to talk. They forced me to give up my happiness, because they found it to much of a difficulty to live with. I hate my dad, hate him, but when my parents divorced I lived with him for four years. I HATE HIM. I spent four years with him miserably, because everybody says it will be easier on everybody but me. Why did I have to give up the right to be comfortable and happy. Now that I'm doing something for myself, everybody wants me to stand down for themselves, but I'm just sick, sick, sick, sick of it. This is for me no one else, why do they think this has anything to do with them. This is for me, so everyone just shut the fuck-up! Ohhh, and that's not all. I'm treated more like a shield then a person. They throw me in front of everything, like I wont mind. In front of my brothers high hormonal inbalance, in front of my dad's asshole behavior, in front of my mom's decision to ignore me, and most of all they expect me to do all the things they don't want to do. And none, none of them will do anything for me, even after all the shit I do for them, I am forced to do all my activities alone. When do I get a vacation?

Friday, August 12, 2011

King Lear

I must admit not that the play or even good written by William Shakespeare, the artist, the talent, the one-who-we-as-people-writers-and-thinkers-compare-ourselves-to-him. But, why, oh why King Lear? No color, no purpose? An average asshole who we gets old and senile man looks back at his life through the most judging prejudice eyes and sees what an asshole he is. The only difference in King Lear is a few incidents that have no real relation to the king at all are happening around him and his craze striken mind. Daughters of jealousy isn't that like every teenage modern romance books, including the old tale of Cinderella. What's new there?????? Then he had to add another asshole to the play that just stirs up more jealousy between the two sisters. Duh....Duh....Dahhhhhhh!!!!! No foreshadowing necessary when you meet that pricks character. Obvious, No Plot, No Purpose, No Color story of King Lear. If I wanted to see a soul less asshole resent brilliant people, incompedent people, and every one in between I would have taken a video bio of my dads life, past, present, and future, you would find no difference except for the size and type of family the story would be the same.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Attention Spands, Concentration...Are They All Worth It?

Psychology, psychology, what is it really? A fancy name used for emotional understandment. But, don't we all have that for others, not even psychologists have a detector or there own emotions. But, heres a question I'm sure they thought of, is being our own enemy a good thing or a bad thing? It gives us the ability to know our ticks and try to avoid them. But, is that healthy? Ignorance ia a virtue of the count down release. I call on all parents every where to answer this question, how mnay times have you told your kids that practice makes perfect? 100, 1,000 before the age of 5........hypocritical. But, before I say my opinion, I'll say your rebuttle. "Ohh, but we have kids we live with annoyances," but all I have to say to that is buh-bih-buh-bullshit.Lies and lies make this world go bye. How many times have you kids heard these famous lies stretched to believability? "Honey shhh, I'm doing the work that pays for that music," or even "You're so good that you should wait till your alone so you can connect with your musical side?" p-p-p-please...
But, are these lifestyles forcing ourselves to psych our selves out. Our life of ignoring our annoyances might have grown to such a perpetually level that we are selves grow to annoy our selves. We don't have the history, or even the background to learn to ignore that voice. Which makes it harder to to calm our selves because we find that high, loud, annoying voice has a better argument for the court then we do. Have we grown to love these lies so much, we ruin our cinderella stories where were not only cinderella, but the fairy godmother who makes our own fairytales. We know our hates, or don'ts but we don't know our likes and do's. Is that why we can't rebuttle the jury in our head to calm ourselves on a adventire, or journey? Do we concentrate on it too much. Are our attention spans to attentitive? All the scientests in the world, I must say what are you fucking talking about? "Too much TV lowers our attention spans" Bull!!!!! Maybe you think that now, because of all the technology that comes out with are right to learn what we like, but truth is we don't care about what your blabbing. we focus on us, our friends, and our mysterious likes? Because none of us know ourselves that it our fault? Or is it that we are surounded by the diverse societies which give us more of a chance to hate, then wait an like??????? I don't know how to find out what I like to rebuttle any situation, butI guess it's like one scientest I will agree with; Thomas Edison " I didn't fail 1,00 times, I learned how to not make a lightbulb 9,999 times, and 1 way to make a light bulb."

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Planning is a skill that is supposed to be important in our lives, but is it really? Over the course of our lives schools has based their timelines on preparing us for life, and giving us the tools we need to survive society. Planners, homework, projects, test, quizzes, etc. etc. But, the other purpose of these items other then to teach us the information, it's to organize our lives around what we need. But, do schools make it to hard to prioritize? Tests, Quizzes, Finals, Projects, Homeworks, 9 a day, 3 a day, 10 a day, sometimes even three finals a day with homework in every class, and a finishing project or paper. If we can't focus on one thing, how are we expected to excel in a subject.........Is that what schools are focussing on.......The information or the preparing us for school...........Is it possible that if we raise the bar too high that we all know that the bar is too high we wont try and our society will fail? Maybe in ten years we wont make any, any at all medical improvements? In a 100 years will we bring back dead Donald Trumph give him back his old comb-over and hope he can save us from ourselves? I don't think so. An item a day is a focus a day. Focus on one thing my guess is you absorb more knowledge, don't you?

Friday, April 15, 2011

Excuses, Excuses

I'm am sick of all the lies, and I'm am sick of all the excuses. Good parents should be able to punish their kids if duely notided. My parents are not good parents. I get in trouble all the time for standing up for standing up to myself against my brother. I get in trouble, they say you shouldn't react, that you shouldn't be bothred. But lets just face it that's a whole lot of bullshit.My brother has ADHD, so everybody feel sso sorry for him, but let's face it. ADHD is just something that makes it hard to concentrate, it doesn't turn you into an ass. Which is the excuse my parents have been using fo rthe past fourteen years. I am sick of all the harrasments, I am sick of all the mental abuse, sometimes even physical from Brendan. Everyday of my life I have been tortured in my parents hell spot they call a home. And they wonder why I try and stay in my room, and why I never invite friends over. I don't want to be ridiculed by my hateful family in the eyes of the only people who care about me.
Parent ssay I need to be eve all the time, BUT THATS BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!! just punish the ones that wrong, they say you can't react to what they say. THEY REACT< PARENTS ARE JUST BIG HIPPOCRITS! Service our real due, you dead end parents. Your son is a hatefull act. Oh, and mom, talking doesn't work you arragant ass. Dad, yelling at both of us doesn't teach us anything you menta abuser.Would you finaly learn something get your son some help, and leave me the hell alone.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Does anyone find it weird when a teacher emails your parent about your progress? Not telling the kid is just hiding them from the truth, so they can't improve just right. They don't know, because the teachers are too scared to tell the kid to their face. We'll that's just a character flaw of someone who has the responsibility to help us, to tach us, to prepare us for the world where some people are shy in their opinions and others are vocal. How does emailing someone that your related to help burden anything, how does that prepare us for life like the purpose of school. All teachers look for is what they ask for, what about something else notable. Or noteworthy. Something a teacher doesn't look for. Their perspective, their view, their courage in writing something that people didn't agree with.
Thomas Edison was a famous inventor that did three years in school, but quit after some hurtful reparte about his mental capability. But, that didn't stop him, he continued to invent work and use the logic in his heart, not in his head. There are so many people in the world who are afraid of the current, so they stay on shore. But, they can build their surf board or their boat. Which one do you think the leftovers will pick. The safe, easy, smooth boat. Or the curvy, fun, dangerous surfboard. Teachers are told what to look for. But, with their focus on, they miss out on all of the things there told not to look for. They look for errors. They look for machanics, word choice, voice, etc, etc. But, what about beliefs, opinions, affections. The only way for a teacher to be a real teacher is to understand their view and grade them on that, being a teacher isn't a title it's a way.
Abraham Lincoln did play by the rules, until things got a little out of hand. He listened to his advisers not prepared for this big, unexpected, turn of the axis. After a spread out of the comfort zone, out of the expected eyes, out of his teachers (advisers) he made plans for peace. He made plans for equality. it scared others, and it cost him his life. I know what your thinking, that if you will die why should you do that. Well, this is what every cheesy speaker at schools tries to come across. That Abraham Lincoln lived so long ago, but we talk about him. We study him. Psychologists try to understand him.
But, it's just us. You don't have an audience, you don't have a critical looker. But, that is a teacher. They try to show us our mistakes and fix them, but they don't tell us about the good things we do. It's an error line detector. A liscenced teacher is a critical magnified glass, a teacher of life and knowledge, is a news giver good and bad. Understanding and compassionate.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Have you ever felt cheated, swindled, and deceived? I have many times, all for my teeth. Teeth the one thing you shouldn't worry about. Years ago teach weren't looked at for admiration, they were used to chew any morsel of food that falls in your mouth. Now they have to be in a certain place, look the certain way, and be just like everybody else. But, now we have all types of different cares for our teeth. Whitening, cleaning, flossing, dentistry, and orthodontics. Well, I'm sick of all the orthodontics. Eight years I have worn these braces, haven't complained, I have done everything they told me to do. Each year they drag me along, saying that at the end of the semester, they will come off. Then FIVE WEEKS ago they told me they will come off in THREE WEEKS, now here I am, FIVE WEEKS LATER with having two appointments since that announcement. I guess they miss-read my teeth, because once again I hear the normal song by the end of the semester, "by the end of the semester," but then when I say I want them off, they say your a minor, you can't make that decision. "You have to look at it in the long run," what long run? What o they think years from now I will regret having them off, saying that I get lectured. Our age should not matter in our judgment, our maturity should matter. I WANT THEM OFF! Nope your family turns on you to listen to a professional, or a money feeding scoundrel. Now, I have to be stuck with them for the rest of my life, that folks is being cheated. So, now I am staying home from school because of the pain it's causing me. I also can't eat till twelve, when I haven't even eaten all day. I'm starving for hunger, but full of pain, and backstabbing emotion.
That's all for now folks, get on to your medal free meals.